Queer as Folk Wiki
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Marley is a minor character in the first season of the Showtime drama series Queer as Folk. She is a coworker of Michael Novotny and Tracy's at the Big Q, and she often makes crude jokes that make them uncomfortable. Marley's ignorance is antagonistic towards Michael and some cases Tracey also despite them liking her as a person.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

In the first episodes, she is seen making fun of a gay couple walking down the store aisle holding each other. When Michael chuckles about her doing hand motions the couple looks behind them and puts there baskets down and leave the store without purchasing anything showing they felt discriminated against. This left Michael feeling sorry for them knowing he himself is also gay and can face the same injustices.


  • She is portrayed by Dianne Latchford.
  • It is unknown what happened to her during the second and third season of the series.