"Premiere" is the first episode in the first season of the Showtime drama series Queer as Folk. It aired for the first time on the third of December in 2000, along with the second episode.
After a night out at the club Babylon with Michael, Emmett and Ted; Brian picks up a cute guy named Justin for a night of fun, but afterwards coldly rebuffs Justin's attempts to see him again. Michael also gets lucky taking home a hunk only to be happily interrupted for a trip to the hospital after Brian learns that Lindsay and Melanie have had a baby boy, Gus.
- Brian Kinney - Gale Harold
- Justin Taylor - Randy Harrison
- Michael Novotny - Hal Sparks
- Emmett Honeycutt - Peter Paige
- Ted Schmidt - Scott Lowell
- Lindsay Peterson - Thea Gill
- Melanie Marcus - Michelle Clunie
- Debbie Novotny - Sharon Gless
Guest Starring[]
- Vic Grassi - Jack Wetherall
- Daphne Chanders - Makyla Smith
- Jennifer Taylor - Sherry Miller
- Chris Hobbs - Alec McClure
- Marley - Dianne Latchford
- Todd - Tom Albrecht
- Anna - Jane Luk
- Cynthia - Stephanie Moore
- Tracy - Lindsey Connell
- Harv - Michael B. King
- Stan - Anthony Mancini Jr.
- Molly Taylor - Haylee Wanstall
- Zack - Tyler Westerlund
- Hottie - Mark-Cameron Fraser
- Middle-Aged Guy - Emmanuel Mark
- First Kid - Jordan Hughes
- Second Kind - Dylan Crandles
- Wise Guy - James Acton
- Internet Hunk - Derek Holland
- Gorgeous Guy - Michel Kremko
- Mr. Goodfuk - Paulino Nunes
- Mr. Wertshafter - Robert Church
- Woman Client - Laura DeCarteret
- Cute client - David Cook
- Senior Client - Adrian Cooper
- "Spunk" - Greek Buck (Opening credits)
- "Can You Feel It" - The Tamperer (Intro night club)
- "Let's Hear It for the Boy" - Katty B. (80's Night in club)
- "Synasthesia" - Junkie XL (Time to find Brian)
- "Deeper Love" - Ruff Driverz (Justin on Liberty Ave.)
- "Sandstorm" - Darude (Brian exits club, spots Justin)
- "You Think You're a Man" - Full Frontal (Brian and Justin in apartment)
- "Proud" - Heather Small (Michael & Brian on roof ledge)
- "X-Hale Slowly" - Bootsy McQueen (Guys leaving hospital)
- "So Good" - The Aloof (Brian & Justin in bedroom)
- "Heavy Scene" - Meg Lee Chin (Michael driving Jeep)
- "More Effeminate Than You" - Robin Black (Brian and Michael in Jeep)
- "Dive in the Pool" - Barry Harris feat Pepper Meshay (End credits)